Our Team
Past Members
Professor Toby Allen RMIT (Molecular Dynamics)
Human Brain Electrophysiology
A/Prof Lucy Palmer (Florey), Prof Greg Stuart, Dr Gui Silva (ANU), A/Prof Andrew Morokoff, A/Prof Kate Drummond (RMH Neurosurgery)
In vitro brain tumour model
Dr Rod Luwor, A/Prof Andrew Morokoff
Neuro-optical brain recording
Dr Ranjith Unnithan – UOM Electrical and Electronic Engineering
In vivo epilepsy recording and neuro-optical imaging
Prof Trichur Vidyasagar UOM Visual Neuroscience
Neuro-optical recording, voltage-gated ion channel studies
Prof Francisco Bezanilla, Bezanilla Laboratory, University of Chicago
Dementia Models - Prof David Finkelstein, University of Melbourne, Dr Fiona LeBeau, University of Newcastle, Newcastle on Tyne, UK
Contact Us
Neural Dynamics Laboratory
Royal Melbourne Hospital Department of Medicine
1st Floor, Melbourne Brain Centre
University of Melbourne
+61 3 8344 3276