Electrophysiological Properties of Human Brain Neuronal Tissue

Project Details

Almost all electrophysiological observations of neural normal function, drug responsiveness and abnormal states such as epilepsy in have been performed on rodent brain tissue. It is becoming clear, however, that human tissue has significant differences from rodent brain.

This project presents an almost unique opportunity to study human brain tissue at the single neuron and network level by utilizing tissue taken in the course of neurosurgical procedures. Individual neurons are prepared by enzymatic dissociation, and recorded with patch electrodes. Network properties are recorded using intact brain slice.

For this project, the main aims are to identify the properties of voltage gated ion channels, in particular sodium and potassium currents. An area of special interest is the HERG channel sub-type, which is likely to play an important role in brain function, but almost completely uncharacterized in any neural system.

Primary Supervisor

Dr Chris French


Dr Lucy Palmer (Florey)

Dr Gui Silva (ANU)



PhD, Masters by Research, Honours, Master of Biomedical Science


Department of Medicine and Radiology,
Royal Melbourne Hospital


Modelling Epilepsy and Epilepsy Drug Effects


Effects of Drugs on Cognition-Related Brain Wave Signals in the Rat