In vitro Brain Tumour Model

Project Details

Malignant brain tumours are notoriously difficult to treat and are often complicated by severe epileptic seizures. Research into therapies has been hampered by a limited range of model systems to explore pathogenesis and treatment of these tumours. We have developed an in vitro model of aggressive brain tumours using a rat brain culture technique that actually develops epileptic discharges. This uses several well-characterised human tumour cell lines as well as tumour “stem-cells” available in our laboratories.These are seeded into a section of brain maintained in tissue culture. The project has two aims – to examine the effects of conventional and novel treatments on the tumours as well as the development of epileptic drugs.

Primary Supervisors

Dr Chris French

Dr Rod Luwor (



PhD, Masters by Research, Honours, Master of Biomedical Science


Department of Medicine and Radiology
Royal Melbourne Hospital


Effects of Drugs on Cognition-Related Brain Wave Signals in the Rat


Sodium Channels in Epilepsy