Sodium Channels in Epilepsy

Project Details

Properties of normal channels in rat brain cells and cloned channels in tissue culture will be studied, as well as the effects of common anti-epileptic drugs (AED’s). We have recently identified novel mechanisms of action and potential binding sites for Nav channels, opening up a wide range of possibilities for enhanced therapies. Opportunities for mathematical modeling and computational simulations of nerve cell activity are also available. The project thus offers a very wide range of possibilities for advanced skill acquisition, including molecular biological techniques, patch-clamping and computational neuroscience. Several publications have been generated and more are in preparation. Additionally, a very high priority is placed on basic research skill acquisition, including experimental design and analysis, statistical techniques, familiarity with common molecular biological methods, as well as public presentation of research findings.

Primary Supervisor

Dr Chris French



PhD, Masters by Research, Honours, Master of Biomedical Science


Department of Medicine and Radiology
Royal Melbourne Hospital


In vitro Brain Tumour Model